Summer Osborne 应用

Cooking Games 2017 3.0.0
Summer Osborne
Cooking Games of the new class Games Girls andCooking Games of the best applications frankly deserve a workoutGames cooking Dick wonderful game and a new cooking Games FlashCooking in the top of magnificence Now game cooking Dick on ourapplication with the most beautiful cooks and special games Put theturkey as it is in Hala and Turki Ali Gump and then prepare thenational mixes and spices by following the instructions in thegame, the action is a very wonderful game now now exclusivelycooking games Chicks Chicks National Chicks made at first beforeputting them on the grill in order to distort them to small piecesor if I liked to put them fully inside the grill M And then put thepieces in a tray covered with oil and add to the Chinese rings ofpotatoes, yogurt and lemon cover the Chinese with tin and then putin the oven for a quarter of an hour to open the tin And then add acup of boiling water and leave it in the oven until you are fullycooked Put a pot on the fire and put the oil and add the onions andhearts and then add chicken and spices and a little water and letthem on low heat add now all vegetables and salt and leave themuntil Cook, cream, ketchup, coriander, parsley, chilli pepper, andthen their heart until they are cooked with bread or rice. A verynice game. Enjoy the cooking games of the grilled chicks on thebest cooking game in 2017. Cooking games beautiful and beautiful inbeauty and magnificence now what are you waiting for?
Games cleaning clothes 6.0.0
Summer Osborne
Games washing clothes and publishing and ironing and arranged inthe wardrobe, laundry laundry game is a kind of dressing gamesgirls laundry games for girls, and care to clean clothes, aftervisiting the farm took clothes, washing and arranging and ironingclothes and separate white clothes for colored clothes and washeach of them on my own, and Then spread the clothes on theclothesline and choose the new farm clothes for Dana and Quis andtwisting any clothes fold Washing steps Separate colorful clothesfor white clothes and clothing bright colors and dark clothesbefore putting them in the washing machine. It cuts the pockets andremoves them from the dirt and objects in it completely. Separatethe underwear for regular clothes, and you may prefer to wash thesocks alone so that the last step in washing. Take care of thelabels on clothes to find out how much you can wash them, determinethe wash cycles to be used, and know what suits your laundrydetergents so that clothes are not damaged. Remove stains beforewashing. Know the functions of your washing machine buttons and theway they are used. If the washing machine is automatic, the washingpowder is placed in its proper place, and the aroma must be placedwith a fine smell so that the clothing smells good when wearingthis one of the best girls' games and clothes cleaning games. Theclothes are put inside the washing machine for a certain period,Take out clothes dry but spread them and expose them to the sun soas not to become wet and cause the sensitivity of the skin whenwearing clothes. If the washing machine is of the normal type, putthe water and detergent inside it and put the first white clothes,and washing the washing machine until the expiry of the requiredtime, and then wash the clothes with clean water to get rid of thewashing powder, put the clothes in the dryer to dry, and then getrid of the water inside the washing machine two water Another cleanwith washing powder put two new clothes, and after the clothesdrying process, spread them under the sun to dry well. Make clothesthat need ironing, and arrange them in the closet by placing themin their proper place.
Home Decor Games Free Online 3.0.0
Summer Osborne
The arrangement of new houses The game ofarranging the beautiful home The installation of the luxury houseThe elegance and creativity of the design home The paradise of theoccupants, and the more organized and arranged whenever the rest ofthem, it affects them, and in their behavior and nature, whethernarrow or wide, it is those who rest his eye to chaos, Or a pile ofclothes stacked in the corner of the room, or dirty washing, andrubbish spread, and furniture topped with dust, and the floorneeded to clean, and dishes and pots need to be cool, who rest hiseye for this nightmare in a house?Game cleaning for girls from games Girls and games cleaning withthe most beautiful games Girls and boys and girls only room Youhave to start cleaning and arrange the room and kitchen and livingroom and salon and also the wheel of the transfer of clothes fromthe ground mechanism and also arrange and coordinate the libraryand the development of books and magazines to them and you alsosearch for the trash and put in The basket of its paper and emptyboxes and also things not desirable and you have to coordinate theflowers and put on the table and arrange the bed and the ground ofsweeping and removing the accumulated things on it Start a game ofcleaning for girls Play now as fastCertainly no one relaxes, and arranging the house a responsibilityrests with the wife, which we see exhausting itself every fiveminutes by rearranging, so that the day goes by does not spend fromtime to itself something, cooking, kneading and cleaning continuesindefinitely. You can clean and arrange your home in an hour orless. If you set up a schedule, you can do one thing every day.Change bedsheets every couple of days. Keep bed from tampering withinsects, change pillows every three months, Sweat sweat, thenchange it every day and replace it with another. Open the windowsto enter the sun and change the room air. Clean the rooms with avacuum cleaner. If you have kids who are used to helping you manageyour home and arrange it in a wonderful way, give them rewards andencouragement, so you get an assistant team and you dislikearranging quickly, and advise them to keep the house in order. Donot make the arrangement at once, but on the parts of the privatesat specific times and scheduled, and make them rest periods, so asnot to exhaust yourself and affect your health in the future.
Home Cleaning Games online 3.0.0
Summer Osborne
Cleaning the house in your way The rooms, thehall, the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the whole house cleaninggame. The whole house cleaning and maintenance is one of theimportant things that every family wants to achieve. Home cleaningis essential for living properly and healthy, but cleaning thehouse can be a big drag To some families, because they do not knowthe correct ways to keep the house clean, or because of thepresence of children playing and cause trouble and dirt at home, sowe will provide in this article a way to clean the house easily andsimple.Games clean the house, rooms, kitchen and bathroom from dirt only.Enjoy cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and home from the dirt and puteverything in its proper place on the site of new girls games. Thegame of cleaning the house of a sweet game of princess decor gamesyou'll help the princess in cleaning the kitchen and the rest ofthe rooms of the house and put the dirt in place and clean thewater with a broom and arrange the table and clothesCleaning the house Cleaning is usually top to bottom, ie dust fromthe top of the curtains to the underside, kitchen cabinets cleaningthe top floor and bottom and so on, and from the right to the left,which must be cleaned and clean the room from the right to the left, This method of cleaning helps to clean the house completely andaccurately. Cleaning the bathroom glass on a daily basis, becauseit is exposed daily to form water vapor on it. The bathroomwashbasin must be cleaned from soap and putty residues daily,preferably a sponge to clean the bathroom. Care must be taken toclean the walls and bathtub after each shower. , Make the bathroomlook cleaner and shiny, maintain the color of the bathtub brightlyshiny and protect it from fainting or obstruction, and facilitatethe process of cleaning the bathroom weekly and monthly. Keep thetoilet clean by cleaning it with a special mattress twice a day atleast one in the morning and two in the evening. The toilet canalso be cleaned from the hard spots by pouring the cola inside.Care should be taken to place the lavender next to each toilet.Bathroom waste, changing the bag daily to avoid the smell of foulodor. It is recommended to clean the granite with soap and soap,and then clean and dry it with kitchen towels or clean the gas. Itshould be noted that it is possible to clean and polish the metalutensils used in cooking, by placing a tablespoon of lemon salt anda quantity of water and boiling on the gas, this method helps toget a pot for Bright and clean. Be sure to dust the householdantiques and shapes on a daily basis, and clean them with a wettowel every week or two. Cleaning the windows periodically and evenif the weather is cloudy, cleaning dust from clean glass is mucheasier than cleaning it from dirty glass. Cleaning the main housedoor is extremely important, because it gives a picture of howclean the house is, and be careful to rinse the house and wipe itwith disinfectants on a daily basis.
العاب تنظيف المزرعة 2.0.0
Summer Osborne
العاب ترتيب ديكور المزرعة , استمتعواباحليالعاب اطفال مع لعبة ترتيب وديكور وتنظيم المزرعة العاب ترتيبالمزرعةلعبة المزارعة الكبيرا من اكثر الالعاب متعة وترفيه فانت فلاحبسيطتجول مزراعتك الصغيرة ذات اللون الاخضر وتقوم بمهامك الصباحية كليوماستمتع والعب لعبة المزارع الصغير المسكين وقم بمساعدته فىزراعةالمحاصيل وتربية الحيوانات والطيور فى مزرعتة الصغيرة جداالعاب تنظيف و ترتيب المزرعة احد اشهر العاب مزارع بعدالمزرعةالسعيدة نقدمها لكم شبيهة بالمزرعة السعيدة ان تدير احد الحقولبشكلموسع فانت تدير الاراضي الزراعية و المواشي والحيوانات وتستخدمالادوات والمتاجر في الشراء و البيع فتشتري معدات ومنتجاتوتبيعمنتجات تنتجها , العاب تنظيف و ترتيب المزرعة من افضل العابالفلاشاملئ الحقول بالمنتجات المهمة و اهتم بنضافة حقول المزرعة , فيلعبةتستطيع ان تكمل مابداته في اي مكان و اي زمان.لعبة المزرعة الكبيرة فلاش مثل لعبة المزرعة السعيدة حيث تستطيعفيهذه اللعبة تقديم اشياء كثيرة لم تكن في المزرعة السعيدة نظرالصغرمساحتها وعمليات توسيع المساحة و لذلك يمكن وضع العاب المزارعفيدائرة الالعاب الاجتماعية الحياتية حيث لها هدف و اضح ان لميكنملموسا بشكل مباشر فهو يلمس في الحياة العملية و التجارب والحسابات والاهتمام , جديد لعبة المزرعة الكبيرة هو كيفية الوصول الياعلي ربحممكن من محصولات و نواتج المزرعة بدون مواجهة خسائر , طريقةربح المالالمزرعة السعيدة لذلك تعتبر لعبة المزرعة الكبيرة من اهمتطويرات وعليشكل لعبة فلاش لا تحتاج تحميل او تسجيل لذلك استمتعباللعبة وعيش جوالمزارع المجتهدOrder decor farmgames,enjoyed Bohaly Kids Games with a game arranging anddecorations andorganizing farm games farm arrange a game farmerKabara of the mostfun games and entertainment thou simple farmerwandering smallMzraatk with the green color and the Bmhamk morningevery day enjoyand play the game the small farms the poor, andhelping in thecultivation crops and breeding of animals and birdsin a very smallranchClean games and farm arranging one-month games farms afterthehappy farm we offer to you like the happy farm that runs afieldextensively thou manages farmland and livestock, animals,tools andshops are used in the sale and purchase of Vtstraeequipment,products and sells products produced, clean and farmarranginggames one of the best flash games fill the fieldsimportant productor cared Bndhavh farm fields, the game cancomplement Mabdathanywhere and anytime.Game Big farm flash like the game Happy Farm, where you caninthis game provide many things that were not in the happy farmdueto its small size and operations of the expansion of space, andsoit can put the farmer games in the circle of life and socialgames,where it has a goal and clear that it was not a significantdirectit touches in the process of life and experiences andaccounts andinterest, a new game big farm is how to reach thehighest possibleprofit from the crops and farm products withoutfacing losses,method of making money happy farm so it is considereda game oflarge farm of the most important developments and in theform of aflash game do not need or download a recording of it andenjoy thegame live industrious farmer Joe
Games selling clothes the mall 3.0.0
Summer Osborne
Shopping games in the mall Help the girl inshopping and choose the appropriate clothes and shoes and then tryto know her opinion in the game shopping for girls Games sellingclothing in the mall is an art like other art and music, because itshows the creativity and taste of the person in the coordination offabrics and buttons and the way of selling clothes and cloth , Andit is one of the things that can be earned and the sale of clothingknown to mankind since the era of our master Idris peace be uponhim who was the first to sew clothes after the people were wearingclothes made of animal skins, he was making dresses of flaxseed,but today There are many m The fabrics and sewing machines were notavailable in the foot, and there were many tools that facilitatedthe production of clothes in different models according to thefashionable fashion. This made it possible to tailor clothes athome. Shortly. This game is dedicated to girls games and clothinggames.Sewing clothes for children The sewing of children's clothing doesnot differ from the sewing of adult clothes, and may be easier foryou to small size and simplicity of their designs and lack ofcomplexity. Games selling clothes game is important and easy asthere are several games such as dressing games and cleaning gamesyou may not think of sewing new clothes for your children , Becauseyou do not know the design and sewing, or the complexities that youface during the work of Albatron appropriate design, we will helpyou in learning how to sew new clothes for your own without harmingthe work of Albatron or enter the complexities of differentdesigns, all you need is a pen and sharp scissors and sufficientquantity ofThe clothes are divided into five main sections in termsof the type of threads made from them: there are clothes withcotton threads. Knitted clothing. Nylon or polystyrene clothing.leather clothes. Stitching clothes of two or more types
jeux de patisserie pour fille 2.0.0
Summer Osborne
Dans ce jeu de pâtisserie pour fille, tuvasdevoir créer des gâteaux sans te tromper dans les coloris. Lebutde ce jeu réservé aux filles est de faire un maximum C’estleweekend et ce café est plein ! La suggestion de ce soir pourledîner est un délicieux steak grillé et tu es en charge de lerendreaussi bon et beau que possible. Nous sommes sûres que tu vasfaireun très bon travail !Doux Vanille vous apprendra, étape par étape, comment fairecuireles petits gâteaux sucrés.Un des jeux les plus animés pourlesfilles. Vous aiderez un lapin pour acheter les ingrédients etcuireles petits gâteaux décorés avec des coeurs.Cette recetteestversée. Choisis ta recette, mélange les bons ingrédientspuischoisis la température du four avant d’enfourner ta préparationetde découvrir le résultat ! Il y a énormément de recettesàdécouvrir, prend ton temps et essaye-les toutes !Dans la première étape, vous devez trouver tous les ingrédientsdansle garde-manger, suivie d'une aventure culinaire. Mélangerlesingrédients, préparer la pâte et cuire de délicieux petitsgâteauxcolorés doux.Si vous aimez les bonbons alors ceci est votrejeu decuisine.Dans ce jeu de cuisine Clem est en train de fairedesgâteaux ! Miam ! Elle les fait trop bien, mais le seul moyenpourqu’elle me laisse les manger, c’est que je l’aide un peu.Attrapeton tablier, tes ustensiles de cuisine et les bonsingrédients. Ensuivant les instructions de la recette de Clem tuvas pouvoirréussir de délicieux cupcakes en un rien de temps.Mia revient tout juste d’un voyage au Mexique et a ramené danssavalise de délicieux ingrédients. Elle a appris la recettedesburritos au bœuf et compte bien faire goûter ce plat à toussesamis. Elle les a tous invité à dîner ce soir et commence doncàpréparer tous les ingrédients. Le chili, les épices, lesgalettesde blé et les épices. Aide la en cuisine et découvrecommentréussir la recette originale des burritos mexicains, unrepasoriginal et relevé !Toutes les autres recettes sont gratuits,maissi vous voulez faire cuire les petits gâteaux ce que vousdevrezpayer. Ceci est un autre grand des petits gâteaux decuissonrecette avec toutes les mesures inclus, cuisson, décoration,tout àl'intérieur prêt pour vous avec beaucoup de plaisir.Graphique incroyable et la musique agréable.Refroidir milieux, des outils et des couleurs.Facile à jouer jeu de cuisine, bien expliqué enplusieursétapes.Jeu éducatif qui développe les compétences et lespasse-temps.A propos de sortes de gâteaux que vous pourriez faire:- Cheesecake- Gâteau Pops- Cup Cake?- Donut?- Brownie- Yaourt glacé?- Gâteau aux fraises?- Gâteau à l'orange?- Mango gâteau?- Matcha gâteau?- Gâteau au chocolat noir- Plaquettes de chocolat Gâteau- Fraise Gâteau au chocolat?- Orange Gâteau au chocolat?- Milk Chocolate Cake?- Gâteau au chocolat blanc- Gâteau Crème glacée aux fraises- Gâteau Vanilla Ice Cream- Gâteau Mango Ice Cream- Gâteau à la crème glacée au chocolatIn this pastry gameforgirl, you're going to create cakes without deceiving you inthecolors. The goal of this game for girls is to make up thisweekendand this cafe is full! The suggestion tonight for dinner isadelicious grilled steak and you're in charge to make it as goodandbeautiful as possible. We are sure you will do a verygoodjob!Sweet Vanilla teach you step by step how to bake smallcakessucrés.Un of the liveliest games for girls. You will help arabbitto buy ingredients and cook cupcakes decorated withrecipecoeurs.Cette is paid. Choose your recipe, mix the rightingredientsand selected oven temperature before baking yourpreparation andsee the results! There are lots of recipes todiscover, take yourtime and try them all!In the first step, you need to find all the ingredients inthepantry, followed by a culinary adventure. Mix theingredients,prepare the dough and cook delicious colorful cupcakesdoux.Si youlike sweets then this is your game cuisine.Dans thiscooking gameClem is doing cakes! Yum ! She's too good, but the onlyway shelets me eat them is that I help a little. Grab your apron,yourcookware and the right ingredients. Following the instructionsofthe recipe you're going to succeed Clem delicious cupcakes innotime.Mia has just returned from a trip to Mexico and brought in hisbagof delicious ingredients. She learned the recipe of beefburritosand expects to taste this dish to all his friends. Sheinvited themall to dinner tonight and begins to prepare all theingredients.Chili, spices, wheat pancakes and spices. Help in thekitchen andlearn how successful recipe Mexican burritos, originalmeals andstatement! All other income are free, but if you want tocook thecupcakes that you will pay. This is another great littlerecipebaking cakes with all measurements included, cooking,decoration,everything inside ready for you with greatpleasure.amazing graphics and nice music.Cool backgrounds, tools and colors.Easy to play cooking game well explained in several stages.educational game that develops skills and hobbies.About kinds of cakes you could do:- Cheesecake- Cake Pops- Cupcake?- Donut?- Brownie- Frozen Yogurt?- Strawberry cake?- Orange Cake?- Mango cake?- Matcha cake?- Dark Chocolate Cake- Chocolate Chips Cake- Strawberry Chocolate Cake?- Orange Chocolate Cake?- Milk Chocolate Cake?- White Chocolate Cake- Ice Cream Strawberry Cake- Vanilla Ice Cream Cake- Mango Ice Cream Cake- Cake with chocolate ice cream
Perawatan Ibu yang Baru Lahir
Summer Osborne
Selamat mendownload seri game Angela girl, menyenangkan dangratis.Dia dalam perawatan mengalami pelajaran di rumah sakitbersalin,hari ini dia merawat ibu hamil untuk pertama kalinya, iniluarbiasa. Tapi dia lebih gugup, dia perlu memeriksa indikatortubuhuntuk membantu para dokter, menemani ibu cantik akanmelahirkanyang cantik, dia harus merawat gadis itu dan mendandanibayinyadengan pakaian yang indah, lalu meletakkan yang baru lahiritu. ibuyang hebat! Menarik! Sang putri sedang hamil danmembutuhkanperawatan dan cinta ANDA! perjalanan dari kehamilannyamenjadiorang tua! Nikmati lebih dari 4 aktivitas interaktif! BeriibumuUSG, dia mendekorasi kamar bayi, menyayangi dan memberi makanAndadan banyak lagi! Ibu putri jangkung sedang hamil danbersiap-siapmelahirkan baru, dan ini akan menjadi putri! Punya hatidan ulurkantangan untuk memberikan kehidupan baru bagi keluargagila ini. Berimakan yang baru lahir satu per satu, lalu mandikan,dandani denganpakaian cantik, dan rias wajah mereka sepenuhnya.Menjadi ibu bagiyang baru lahir adalah kerja keras, tetapi lebihsulit lagi untukmerawat ini dalam keluarga saat mereka menjadiputri! Fitur: 1:pemeriksaan fisik: cek suhu tubuh, deteksi monitorjantung janin,metaminder B tatapan pada normal. 2: Saat hamil, iaperlu memilikienergi yang cukup untuk kelahiran bayinya, memberinyamakanan danair untuk berkeringat, mengeringkan dahinya. 3:Bersihkan kotoranpada tubuh baru lahir, ukur berat badan, berimakan. 4: vaksinasidan perawatan, buat dia bahagia!
kehamilan dan perawatan untuk mama yang baru lahir
Summer Osborne
Anda harus menjaga putri Mommy dengan memberinya resep yangdiabutuhkan dan, jika dia lapar, makanan penutup yang lezat.Pergilahke dapur! Untuk meredakan ketidaknyamanannya dan membuatnyanyaman,buatkan dia smoothie yang enak. Anda harus membuat smoothieyanglezat dengan stroberi, nanas, dan buah-buahan lainnya. Andaharusmenjaga kesejahteraannya sehingga dia bisa kembali ketugasmonsternya yang tinggi. Pastikan ibu putri siap untukoperasi.Penting untuk mendengarkan detak jantung bayi. Awwwww! Andaakanmemuja anak itu. Tolong bantu dokter dengan persiapan bedah.Beridia obat penenang. Bantu dokter dalam menyelesaikan operasi.Tidakada yang sebanding dengan hasrat seorang ibu untuk anaknyayangbelum lahir! Bantu Ladybug, yang akan menjadi seorang ibu,dalambersantai di periode yang menyenangkan dalam hidupnya ini.Kunjungidokter hewan untuk pemeriksaan rutin dan manjakan diadengankudapan manis. Bantuan Anda sangat dibutuhkan. Fitur : •membantuwanita hamil selama kehamilan mereka; • mempersiapkankelahiran dirumah sakit. • Belilah gaun hamil, parfum, dan aksesoriibu baru. •Jika sudah waktunya melahirkan, kirim dia denganambulans. • Bawaibu ke rumah sakit untuk pemeriksaan! •Berpura-puralah menjadisalon kecantikan dan berikan pijatan spawajah pada Mommy! SELAMATBANYAK! Saatnya mengadakan baby showeryang berkesan untukkedatangan baru Anda yang berharga! YA! Andaakan merawat bayi yangbaru lahir dengan memberinya makan, menggantipopoknya, menyapu airmatanya saat dia menangis, dan bermaindengannya dengan mainannya.Tindakan apa pun memberikan kesempatanuntuk menikmati danmemanjakan ibu tercinta dan bayi yang barulahir.
العاب بنات وتلبيس العرائس 2022 2
Summer Osborne
Girls and bridal dress-up games 2022 are one of the best girls'makeup and dress-up games without the net.
العاب تنظيف منزل كامل 2023 1
Summer Osborne
Full house cleaning games 2023, one of the best girlscleaninggames, a game without the net and light 2022
العاب تلبيس مكياج مهمة مستحيلة 2.0.0
Summer Osborne
New dress-up and makeup games 2023 game without the net for fansofmakeup and dress-up games
العاب تلبيس مكياج بدون نت 2022 2
Summer Osborne
Dress-up and makeup games without the net 2022, a new game forfansof girls’ games without the net and fashion 2022